First Steps before you start offering your art for money
Before you start offering your art
Before you start selling your creative service
Before you ask How do I make money for my creativity?
>> ASK this instead:
🔥WHO am I? Who is this creative, how did she get here? Why is she offering this art?
(speaking in third person may help you distance yourself from that voice that sniggers when it says: WHO ARE YOU to DARE?)
🔥WHO are you wishing to help? wishing to connect with? WHO is your art, your creativity, your offering for?
And's not 'anyone' that isn't a real person.
Think personality
Think their experiences
Think the similarities & differences to you
Think how you would hang out together
🔥WHAT is it I'm offering?
More than the object or service
More than "its a pretty painting" or
"its a book about my story with tips" or
"I make them a logo or help them start a business"
What is the offering BEHIND the offering? WITHIN?
WHAT is the transformation you are giving?
Is it inspiration? beauty? Something to connect themselves with their own creativity?
Is it an experience to feel recognised AND to be encouraged that they TOO can do the thing you talk about in the book
Is it a helping hand to feel supported & save time and energy and their emotional health to get that business started TODAY?
🔥WHY am I offering this?
As a creative, you are 'selling' more than art
There ARE heaps of other people doing what you're doing
Heaps of artist
Heaps of writers & creatives
Heaps of coaches & personal brands
WHY are you offering this art? It is usually because you're called. (even if you don't think of it that way)
Because you had an inkling.
Because your mind saw a possibility, a slight opening and chance to try something exciting, something different yet familiar.
Because you were curious to explore this option....
Which are all hints at the deeper MESSAGE or MISSION you are being called to do
What will 'sell' is YOUR story. YOUR mission. YOUR message. YOUR heart.
Created, communicated & channeled in the way only YOU can.
Knowing WHY also helps you connect to that inner fire, inner calling, inner message that your soul, your creativity, your Muse is asking to be brought life.
example: 🔥🔥My WHY is EXPRESSION. 🔥🔥
My paintings are more than just bits of paint on canvas.
I am called to inspire ambitious, spiritual & creative women to live a life of joyful purpose.
That requires permission & decision & claiming of desires AND TO EXPRESS THAT FULLY
My art -- all serves to help you express your heart, your values, your desires.
My paintings serves as mirrors for my collectors to see their own inner creativity, colours, beauty & heart. They are anchors in their homes, in their spaces for self-expression.
They are reminders of my dream collectors's desires & values to fully express themselves, to claim what they love AND to be continuously inspired both on the inside AND outside.
My courses & Muse Mama membership serves as resources. As the creativity juju soup to nourish your creativity when you're feeling stagnant -- that only community & connection can provide.
Tips & tricks yes! To help my clients & students to express their creativity.
To find your creative spark,
To cultivate your creative practice,
To step fully into being a 'PRO' creative - living a life of creativity and in relationship with your Muse.
To connect to your inner fire, to find encouragement when Resistance feels overwhelming.
To find clarity when the Fear Fog takes over.
To be reminded that you ARE creative, you ARE capable, you ARE enough & you ARE ready
So WHY are you offering this art? why this particular offering? Why this container or format or medium? This usually links back to your story, to your answers to the WHAT and WHO above
(I will be covering this deeper & going more indepth -- not to mention you will have the space & support to find your clarity for these questions inside my course
>> FIRST 5: Laying the foundations to finding your FIRST 5 (dream) clients/customers/collectors online.
Finding the FUN, FULFILMENT & FUNDs for your creativity - more info below
🔥WHERE will I make these offerings? Where will you connect with your DREAM clients/customers/collectors? (we always want dreamy soulmate connections!)
The simple answer since you're here, and resonate with me is this:
Online. To leverage this technology that allows you to #weavingbizandbaby. To reach MORE people while also still being home with your kids.
On Social Media. On the platforms I use daily & (here is the important bit)
>> I COMMIT to being open-minded & CURIOUS <<
I commit to stepping forward & being willing to STRETCH MY COMFORT ZONES
I commit to ALSO ALLOW it to be easy. I will NOT BE DISTRACTED by the need for perfection, rules & fancy twists & systems.
🔥WHEN will I finally DARE to take a step forward? I hope your answer is an immediate NOW! TODAY!
When will I schedule in the time to take the next step, however small, forward TODAY?
When will I stop allowing my fears to be more important than my inner creative calling?
When will I stop hiding, stop just talking about it, stop pretending that little voice isn't still bugging me to do something about it?
Here is where you will have to DECIDE
Will you commit as per the previous question? Be COMMITTED & CURIOUS?
I say curious, because curiosity has been the fastest way for me to curb my inner critic & pause Resistance long enough for me to step forward.
Curious means you are willing to be open to the new & differing (and uncomfortable!)
Curious means you are willing to see something different, try something different, be something different
Curious means you see beyond black & white but also all the nuances of grey AND colour
Curious means you will be nimble with changing your habits, stretching your comfort zones & exploring new perspectives + experiment with new ways
Find your CLARITY with these questions first. THEN the answers for the "selling" the "marketing" the "make an offer to the world" part will be alot easier to find.
ALSO: I cannot stress enough --
This is both a one-time DECISION and a daily... OMG the relentlessness of DAILY practice.
Turn that relentlessness into fuel for your practice.
To explore, to dig deep, to step forward despite the fog.
To step forward even if the clarity isn't as clear as you would like. Know the general direction - means it's time for you to step forward.
The fun & flow & frustration (depending on how you view it) of this adventure is that sometimes (many times) the CLARITY will only be given to you in small doses. AND it only becomes clearer AFTER you take action.
Commit. Be Curious. Seek your own Clarity & Commit again to take the next step you are given...trusting that more clarity will come AFTER you take ACTION
You ARE ready
You ARE called
You ARE enough as you are
You ARE capable of stepping forward, despite the doubts, despite the fears, despite the fog.
I am here to help you too! You ARE NOT alone.
Dare to take that Big Dream seriously & take the next step TODAY!
- x Brenda -
Is your next step is to do something about actually offering your creativity to actual customers?
Actually taking that idea seriously & actually dip your toes into this online creative business & brand thing?
Is it time to join Brenda inside First 5?
>> so you get set up properly, lay the foundations you need to start your creative biz & brand?
Finding the FUN, FULFILMENT & FUNDS of your new creative work
✔️Finally stop talking about it & actually put yourself and your creative work out there
🔥Save yourself so much time & heartache researching - get the basics AND the next steps you need to take NOW.
🔥Stop getting stuck in overwhelm & doubt.
🔥Stop letting fear keep you wondering.
⚡️Take your fun hobby to something that also gives you both FUN & FUNDs
Actually know if you CAN and WANT TO do this thing you love and get paid for it
🔥Have the MINDSET to actually get started AND keep going, even when it feels hard
⚡️Know how to MAKE the art & MAKE THE MONEY as you start building your creative biz & brand
✔️Learn the must have MARKETING tips, habits & resources that suit YOU in your current stage
(you don't have to waste a ton of money on tools that you don't need yet! not to mention the wasted time!)
🔥Stop wasting time asking in random big groups hoping for the right answer (and getting a million answers & opinions!)
Get a shortcut to the answers that suit YOU from someone who has been where you are now
✔️More than just tech skills (which you can google anytime), connect to a MASTERMIND with a specific goal... laying the foundation to finding your first 5 clients, customers or collectors!
Lifetime access means you can come back to this anytime & access all updates
⚡️Get instant access to the Facebook Group for all the content & get started NOW with the pre-work!
You'll get to jumpstart ahead!
💎4 weeks with me & access a private Facebook group for personal attention from me - access all my resources & wisdom in my brain!
💎4 live training videos & probably more as I get inspired by your needs (I’ve already thought of two new bonuses!)
💎Homework & practical activities for you to implement & connect with your dream clients
💎A safe space to ask all your questions - no ’stupid’ questions here!