
It’s not the gold gilded decorations.

It’s not the giant arches & stained glass paintings of angels and prophets

It’s not even the cavernous, sun-filled space of sweeping views

Or sublime melodies

Or whispered halls of history

Or expensive tapestries & technology

A sacred space is sacred because of the heart of those who enter it

It may be small. It may be messy.

It may be humbling & uncomfortable & the din is suffocating

You can still create a sacred space

Put aside the ego of achievement & productivity

Drop the arrogance that requires “feeling worthy”

Remove all lies about perfectionism guarantees success

or that success means zero pain or discomfort

Forgive & surrender the sins that clutter & block divine connection

Bring an open heart to break & heal & serve

Bring a willing spirit to faithfully keep moving forward towards the vision

Bring a clear mind, free from fears, distractions & lies of Resistance

Then you sit there, waiting with grateful expectation

You listen for the inspired song to sing

You patiently surrender as you commune with Spirit & soul

You hold the boundaries that the fear chatter will inevitably try to invade

and then you step back from that holy space & do the work for today

Create. Write. Speak. Call out. Design. Teach. Whatever you have been called to express

Knowing that you will go back to that sacred space tomorrow for tomorrow’s work

It can be as simple & sublime as that


Is it time to finally step into the next chapter for your creative work?

To finally be consistent with showing up & feeling inspired to do so

To finally get serious about bringing your art business online or to actually start that creative business

Have questions or need to talk through what is blocking your creative momentum & confidence?
Need a strategic plan to reach your goals?
Want some accountability & confidence in a clear map moving forward so you can BE the professional Artist you want to be?

Get on my calendar for a MUSE MOMENTUM INTENSIVE

Let's work together. Let's create that next chapter. Let's do the work you're being called to bring to life

Let’s talk. It’s time. You are so ready.

Brenda Mangalore