One night I was sitting on the toilet and got a mental you do when you finally get some alone time

“Everything you do is an act of worship (to your purpose, to God, to your art)


it’s an act of rejection.”

When you make the art, take the nap you need, eat food that helps you in flow...act of worship

When you actively learn and seek clarity on your vision and purpose...act of worship

When you do your mummy-ing when it’s mummy duty time.

When you make art when it’s make-art time.

When you stay up all night to get that inspired project done.

When you take the nap because your body needed it.

All...acts of worship


When you get inspired and then say...nope! too hard. Not for me. I’m not good enough....act of rejection

When you choose shadow work, close enough but not quite in alignment with your soul work…act of rejection

When you speak toxic words to yourself & betray your own promises to self…act of rejection

When you stay stuck or sabotage, letting fear lead the way or allow Resistance to stop you...act of rejection

I still unravel this in my spiritual & creative practice….

It feels familiar and obvious and ‘duh, haven’t we been saying this for ages?’

while also feeling completely profound and like a lightning bolt.

You KNOW when it’s one or the other.

You already KNOW if your next act is worship or rejection

And I know, I won’t find clarity from just thinking it through.

Talking it out, sharing it, doing work I’m called to in the light of this revelation.... that’s how these kinds of aha moment will find & weave its way into my life.

So as with all art and finding clarity of direction...let’s start with intention:

I want my life to be an act of worship

Writing it down here. Sharing my heart with you. Making my life my art. My art my life. I hope it’s an act of worship. Always.

Worship as in:

  • Full commitment to focus and learning more

  • Soul immersion

  • Seeing the wholeness & fullness of it

  • Surrender

  • Faith & Trust in the connection

  • That “HELL YES! This is IT!”

  • Cultivating connection

  • Communication & Communion

  • Daring to take it seriously

What do you choose?

Worship or Rejection?

Brenda Mangalore