Let's Lower our Tolerance

💖Let’s LOWER our tolerance💖

(A love letter to you Muse Mamas...so also, really for me too)

Let’s lower our tolerance:
For rolling our eyes - either embrace it or say something. 
For perfection - choose progress instead
For not getting angry - sometimes your anger is the fuel you need to make the change 

Let’s lower our tolerance for holding back our voices, our desires, our calling
For feeling misery feeling tired feeling lonely
For rudeness
For inappropriate comments behind the excuse of ignorance
Behind the excuse of ‘it’s just the way it is’

Let’s lower our tolerance to anything that is based on “the way it was”
Not questioning the status quo

Let’s lower our tolerance for saying something for the sake of saying something
For avoiding & procrastinating because it’s hard and demands your growth. 

For awkward silences because you don’t dare


Leave the laundry dirty
Forget the dusting & vacuuming
Not bath your kid today

Dare to:

Put yourself first
Throw an adult tantrum
Throw a pity party
Wallow in regret & sorry & self pity

Dare to take those inklings seriously
Those wishes & dreams
Especially those big dreams

Dare to make a change
Dare to take a step forward
Even if they feel small & insignificant

Dare to stretch those comfort zones
Or blow them up completely

Dare to demand more respect
More kindness
More compassion
More forgiveness
More faith & trust
More belief in your capabilities 
Especially from yourself TO yourself

Let’s lower our tolerance for accepting what is & Dare to expect more.

Let’s lower our tolerance for what niggles at us & Dare to claim the full colour life we wish for. 

Let’s be both grateful for what is AND faithful in our expectations of what is next

Will you join me?

Will you DARE to take your Big Dreams seriously & take the next step today?

- x Brenda -

p.s Muse Mamas! Lots of fun & creative connection coming our way this month - get your creativity juju flowing and stretch those muscles! 
🔥Finding your Muse Mojo Spark🔥
🔥Free personalise Artwork for your 2019 Word of The Year

Not a Muse Mama yet? CLICK HERE for more info on how to access the village of ambitious, spiritual & AMAZING women finding our way forward towards the next chapter in connection to our creativity.

Brenda Mangalore