For the brave Artist ready to take a chance on that creative dream being a REAL thing this year…

Is it time to hire a creative coach?


🌟 already making art & selling your creative work (trying to anyway!)… and you find yourself still unclear about

  • How do I find my dream customers?

  • How do I finally get more consistency sales?

  • What do I ACTUALLY need to do so I still have time to make the art AND take care of my babies?


…you've posted more often (even tried to follow trendy Reel tips + even doing a LIVE once! 😱) …you've started working on your website! and set up your Pinterest account, & looked at TikTok & even YouTube

… you're researching email set ups for newsletters and started collecting email addresses… you've thought about how to set up prints or other products on Society 6 + Redbubble + those online gallery places

… you've even boosted some posts for more views and even sold a couple things to a random stranger (you know you shouldn't but you just don't have time or energy to really learn ads AND was too tired to think of what to post)


You can’t keep up with all the work this involves without giving up even MORE sleep since you still have your babies at home
AND it’s hard to keep up the consistency for online especially when those sales aren’t coming in


Frustrated and STILL not seeing any consistency and it feels like VERY little progress after spending what little time you have away from your babies doing all this. 

On one hand, you feel like you know what you need to do but you’re not fully doing it. Not putting yourself fully out there, not even fully making your art (which was the whole point) because nothing seems to be working and you’re not sure it’s worth all that effort for zero results

On the other, you suspect maybe you’re missing something and you’re not working on THE thing that would actually make the difference you’re looking for

What you need is the Clarity & Confidence of a PRO Artist

You need CLARITY around what problem you need to solve FIRST (without having to kill yourself doing ALL THE THINGS) and the CONFIDENCE that the action you DO take in that limited schedule, iss making progress in the right direction.  


You don’t have time to waste on unnecessary fluff. You don't NEED to do ALL the things especially when you still building this thing.

Just like your babies – you don't need to do ALL the things,
you don't even need to do any of the things PERFECTLY. 

There are just simple, fundamental basics you need to build so that it naturally leads to the success you want. 

Whether it's ensuring your baby is healthily eating & sleeping well  OR it's connecting with & selling to those dream buyers

You need the confidence & resources of someone who is as sure of what they need to do as they are in their mothering

Meaning, even when you’re not sure of the answer…
> you know that you can trust yourself to figure it out, 
> you know who to ask for support or where to find answers that suits YOU
> you know you’ll do the work (no matter how tired or uncomfortable you are) because you just KNOW it’s going to work for what you want

And the biggest thing is learning how to discern what works FOR YOU not just what the “experts” say 

Hi I’m Brenda

Helping creatives to feel clear & confident as PRO Artists, so they can make art they’re proud of & sell more of it to dream customers with ease WHILE ALSO being the happy mama they want to be for their babies…

IS my superpower


I’ve gone from spinning in burnout and overwhelm, wasting what little savings I had on ALL THE WRONG THINGS. 

Then barely making any art (questioning if I'm even meant to be an Artist) because I didn’t know how I was going to sell it anyway because there were already so many collecting dust in my studio


  • Raising over $3k for artwork I hadn't even created yet to then host my first sold out solo-exhibtion

  • Creating over 100+ paintings the year I was taking care of an exclusively breastfed newborn AND being primary carer to a 4yr old

  • Sold out art fairs I’ve exhibited at (despite having to wake up in the middle of the night for an unsettled baby)

  • Sent multiple paintings overseas around the world to collectors who found me AND have a gallery reach out to me to sell my art thanks to my online presence

  • While still being a ‘full-time’ mum to my babies + dealing with the endless laundry and emotional/mental load that entails.

I've also helped my clients to:

  • Do more in one hour than they could the whole week thanks to a 5 minute mindset shift conversation

  • Create simple systems & structure in their art business so they can make their art, finish client work AND still have potential buyers reach out to them even while being pregnant & taking care of toddlers at home

  • Learn how to create content in a way that suits them & their work so that consistency in their marketing became easy and natural (like their art)

  • Feel confident in their artistry even as life threw them unexpected chaos because they just KNOW they can handle it and still be productive in the studio thanks to both the mindset & strategies we cultivated together (and they got more jobs, made more art + ‘discovered’ more opportunities to grow their brand)

  • Uncover their creative voice so they gained over 10k in followers AND make consistent online sales with superfans who share their work (which also led to sold out solo exhibitions + increased their email list for more sales)

When it comes to supporting you to create a creative business that works WITH the season of life you’re in (because being a mama of little kids NEEDS a village)
AND still be the professional artist your inner Muse needs you to be – meaning having the flow of sales & creating that you want

Nobody does it quite like me


Here's how we can work together right now


BOOK a one-off Mentoring Intensive (with the possibility of stepping into my longer-term containers if we’re a good fit for your goals & my expertise)

This is your chance to focus on mapping out the mindset + strategies for the goals you have for your art. 
90 minutes 1:1 session to get CLEAR on what your goals are, what is blocking your path to success and the ACTUAL problem to solve NOW to create the consistency & momentum of sales and creative flow you want for your art


This is where you can stop second-guessing what you need to do and what you need to focus on so you can get back to making your art & loving your babies

This is where you learn what you need to go ALL IN with your art without wasting time & energy on unnecessary tasks that wastes your time & money

This is where you will finally KNOW what you need to get the consistency, confidence & customers you want for your creative work 


Not a generic formula or blueprint but actually mapping out YOUR path in a way that takes. into consideration your current lifestyle, your artistry & sales goals + personality AND schedule. 


None of the clients I mentioned above makes art like me – some weren't even painters.

This isn't about sharing my steps for you to copy – this is about following fundamental principals of success in art AND business PLUS finding YOUR unique strategies that leads to what success looks like FOR YOU

There are only 3 2 spots left this month + a handful available next month!

I've kept the price as low as it is for now because I want to invite you to take a chance with me to test out some new strategies I've learnt AND have you be my next success story that I can share testimonials of in my future coaching offers.


I know it can be scary to invest money, time & energy into something that doesn't seem to be giving you any of those things back – but I also know that doing the same things you've done isn't going to change it either.


It's time to give yourself the support that you know you need to make the progress you want, with more speed & ease – just like stepping into being a mama for the first time. 

Support & resources were how you could show up consistently, with more ease & be the best you could be for what you want for your baby without hating your life.

Give your artistry & art business the same support and give yourself that gift.


Intrigued? Nervous but know it's time? Ready to actually take that dream seriously?

DM me on IG to claim one of those sessions left on my calendar (first in best dressed!)

OR you are very welcome to book a FREE 30min Clarity call to talk through your questions & concerns!

Brenda Mangalore