When you feel like a failure in your art

When you feel like a failure in your art… and you’re not sure how to really be a successful, thriving artist…

This is what I want you to know

It’s not Failure… it’s Feedback

You get to choose how to see it & how to move forward from here

It’s not a Freak out… it’s the wrong Focus

Focus on the flow & what you want to receive or connect to

Focus on the resources you DO have…

it may not be dressed the way you like…

& you may have labeled it ‘not good enough’…

It’s probably always been available to you while you got distracted with the shiny stuff.

Focus on the Fun…not the Fear

Yes! You do get to choose!

Focus on YOU & YOUR SOUL calling.

A simple way to Start?

To keep going?

To move Forward?

To finally Finish that creative work, that project or that masterpiece?

Think of these three:




Your next steps will be towards one of these (probably all three but one of these will be the priority & will lead to the others)


Here is where you get to practice tapping to your soul calling, practice recognising & discerning which voice is which.

Which is soul? Which is a ‘should’?

Which is soul? Which is a ‘society says everyone does it this way’?

Which is soul? Which is the scheming shrill of shame, guilt & fear?

If you need support to find that clarity — get on my calendar for a Creative Courage & Clarity call!

— OK..back to these three

Do you need to find your CONFIDENCE?

To feel like you’re capable, to get that quick win to boost your morale to keep going?

To get that boost of ‘hey I’m ok! I can totally do this!’

That boost of confidence leads to Trust & trust in yourself will lead to feeling the Connection to your creativity, your vision & values, your next steps…

AND that confidence will lead to you clearly Communicating that vision, next step & express your art.

If it’s CONFIDENCE you need…

Ask yourself:

What can I do, to feel capable & confident to take the next step?

HINT: sometimes it’s a small step forward, a quick win, or something completely unrelated like doing a quick clean of the house, plotting out the big picture vision, clearing your wardrobe!

Ask yourself/soul what you need to do next. Deep down, you know

Do you need to find your CONNECTION?

To feel inspired, to feel the call, to understand the vision & big picture from the Muse?

To get that boost of ‘OF COURSE! I KNOW THE ANSWER!'

It works like this!

It looks like that!

AND it plays out like this!’

For all the clean studios or tidy house or getting all your ducks in a row…sometimes they are just distractions & totally unsatisfying because you haven’t CONNECTED to your Muse.

Connected to the heart & soul of your work.

Connected to that divine inspiration most people mistakenly think is randomly bestowed on a lucky select few.

As a Muse, you KNOW that it is “given” to those who make it an intentional habit.

It is available to anyone who prioritise mindful connection with their work EVEN WHEN they don’t ‘feel’ inspired

This is when, cleaning the house, buying the perfect art supplies, researching for the perfect app… are all distractions.

The real work is to just sit your butt on the chair, stand in front of that easel, be willing to stare at that blank screen & COMMIT to connect within and allow whatever come out.

This commitment to the CONNECTION will lead to Communicating your craft.

It also leads to consistently showing up regardless of ‘feelings’ and that leads to Confidence in your connection & it becomes a virtuous cycle.

If it’s CONNECTION you need…

Ask yourself:

What can I do to feel connected to my Self / Spirit / Soul?

HINT: It may be a ritual of lighting a candle & saying a prayer OR as simple as taking a moment to mindfully pause & ask for the next step

Do you need to COMMUNICATE?

To feel the flow & be ‘in the zone’?

You’ve got the ideas & it’s getting pent up but you’re ‘too busy’

Maybe whatever you’re working on isn’t quite working.

Feeling distracted & frustrated?

What I’ve realised nowadays, my connection to my creativity is SO MUCH a part of my life I rarely feel uncreative.

Confidence is usually something I can find if I put on my big girl pants and cross off things on my list & do whatever I need to bring out that super mode - warrior mama.

BUT… if I’m feeling frustrated & distracted?

If flow isn’t…flowing?

it’s usually because I’m not creating & allowing the art to COMMUNICATE.

It’s usually because I’m not writing or allowing the message to FLOW

It’s usually because I’m not communicating my own needs or desires.

If you need to COMMUNICATE…

Ask yourself: What am I trying to say? (Or replace ‘I’ with ‘the art’)

What am I trying NOT to say?

What do I NEED to say?

How can I communicate that NOW, HERE & WITH WHAT I HAVE?

Which one of these resonated for you?

Which one do you need to focus on this in the coming months?




Want to actually take action on those creative goals?

Get clear on the biggest challenge that's holding you back & the step you need to take NOW to overcome those blocks -- schedule a free Creative Courage & Clarity call with me.

Let's start the ball rolling NOW so you can build on that momentum today!

Brenda Mangalore