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Can I just take a moment to pause & hang out with you a bit?

Just need a moment to sit in a quiet, safe place. 

Doing more videos the last few months has made me push against some serious personal discomfort.

And LOTS of vulnerability & visibility hangovers...

You know, where you just want to hide in bed and don't want to make eye contact with anyone for a few weeks...

But only by doing it

like actually start - like actually press record

DAILY in one way or other? Just getting it done?

I got it done

Did it make easier?

Having that commitment and deadline?

Not's still hard. Still lots of wanting to hide & delete my facebook page...


Pressing record IS getting easier.

And I'm learning it isn't the tech that's stopping me.
It's not the lack of knowledge or NOT KNOWING what to say.

It was forgetting HOW TO CONNECT within, to the fears - the real ones

(about worth, about failures, about losing face)

that made me hit Resistance.

Now I'm re-learning to acknowledge the distractions as excuses & sabotages.

Connect within to peel away the protection to find the inner dream again.

Working with that connection, with your fears AND dreams.

Connecting within IN ORDER TO then bring that connection outside.

To others. To share, to teach, to shine your light, your message, your heart.


Yes all that reflection can take time.

And investing that time & attention is totally worth it. 


When you JUST DIVE IN despite the fears and press record?!

You gain a tiny bit of confidence.

You gain a tiny bit of new knowledge and evidence that you CAN do it.

And yes, when the fear comes up again?

You can face it with gentleness & that new little bit of confidence helps you look at it with fresh eyes.

Eyes that see the possibility of releasing it.
Rather than your usual eyes that only sees the fears and lies as reality.


Doing it DAILY makes it hard too!

But it also makes it a practice. A habit. 

Which is just another way of saying, a system to make you do what you say you want to do without having to wait until you 'feel' like it or 'ready' to do it.

Because we all know, most days you won't!

Until, by making it a practice, you DO feel like it.

You ARE ready.

But you've also moved on to the next level and next growth for yourself, your life & your creative practice!

Wouldn't that be amazing?

You already ARE AMAZING! Just don't allow the lies of 'not ready' or 'not worthy' or all the other excuses make you forget that...

x Brenda

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I share a  BONUS video inside the private Facebook Group where I walk through my WHOLE painting process - which is really my whole CREATIVE process.

Something I will be exploring with the other CREATIVITY CATALYST CLUB Members!!!

So YOU can take those concepts and apply it to the creative projects that is calling to be made. 
Or you're feeling stuck and not going anywhere with. 
There are tools to help.
There are simple yet powerful prompts to bring the FUN & FLOW back. 
There is a cycle to learn so you don't get tricked into thinking you're crazy or have lost your creativity!

So excited about the magic and synergy of creativity we will create, connect with & cultivate over 25 days! 

Madison Whiteneck