[Edit: Prints available now!]merry christmas! As 2010 draws to a close, I hope you can look back on the year and reflect on it with the gratitude and wonder I have. I know I am in a little disbelief that the year has gone by so quickly, yet so much has changed this year. I have become a wife and embarked on that new adventure. Just 6 months ago, this journey to fly solo as a fine artist was just a dream, a distant possibility and secret wish. So to you, my dear friends, know this: your secret wishes and dreams are whispering to you for a reason. They long to exist for real and trust me when I say, all change is scary but the journey IS filled with the joy that those whispers are promising.


A time lapse video -- drawing Mark 12:30. 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' I took a break half way through drawing because my hand was hurting after an hour straight of concentrated drawing. It was another hour before I finished the drawing. phew! The irony is, it took longer for me to work out how to do all the video things and upload things and editing etc.. It isn't the most profound or flashy. Lots of lessons learnt that will be used for the next video. I am, however quite chuffed with myself for working out how to do it at all. It was frustrating when there were technical difficulties with youtube AND iMovie and wishes for more specialness & effects. In the end, I figured, better done than nit-picking at perfection! Materials: Black Pitt pen on bleed proof paper. The type design can be seen through the paper to save time on tracing just for this video. Music: 'Even the Stones Sing' by Bluetech. photo by dbpwhooosh Enjoy! Love the drawing? You can buy a 5x7in Mark 12:30 print in my shoppe!{p.s This video premiered in my November 2010 newsletter. If you don’t want to watch old news after everyone else, sign up here!}

Madison Whiteneck