Renovation sneak peeks & learning about lies
Life is beautifully rich in depth
For me that means learning about the duality we get to experience daily.
The disappointment with the celebrations
The doubts with the deep certainty of faith
The creative beauty with the ugly mess
Lately the themes I'm practicing is around impatience AND trust.
I'm realising that if I TRULY trusted and my faith was as strong as I think it is, I wouldn't be complaining so much with my impatience.
There would be an easy flow in being PRESENT
Have you ever been waiting for something that feels SO CLOSE and yet, it seems that the closeness makes it feel even further away?
My new home & the new studio is getting so close to completion but I"m also feeling the duality that it feels even further away!
I"m making decisions with delaying lots of projects because I am waiting
Waiting for the perfect space that is almost ready
Waiting for the perfect timing
Waiting for the perfect inspiration/motivation/energy/feeling
Inspired quote wallpapers available in the Insider Library HERE
I really don't like waiting.
Not the aligned divine timing kind of waiting.
I don't like the kind that's really just a fancy way of saying 'I'm procrastinating because I fear the messy & the imperfect & the possible failure that may result from me taking action'
I don't like the lies. It only ends up with me feeling a sense of betrayal.
A betrayal of who I say I want to be, a betrayal to my higher self, my creative self & my hopeful self.
Do you ever feel this way?
I'm choosing a different practice. A new attitude of childlike wonder & trust.
My adult self finds this a bit difficult -- but I am tired of feeling ordeals vs adventure.
Besides, it makes all the WONDERFUL creative things flowing in my life right now feel richer in colour and depth.
I am so grateful for amazing design clients & seeing their brands come to life with more meaning and full expression of their hearts and souls.
Not just another pretty picture
That has always been the heart of my desires for my art. Whether it's paintings or pixels -- there is deeper meaning and expression to be found.
If you're feeling tired of the blocks and the ordeal of seeing your creative work not coming to life
You keep telling yourself Someday...
You keep telling yourself Tomorrow...
You keep wishing you had 'more time' or 'the magic bullet answer - the secret shortcut'
You keep saying 'if only I was.....more / better / good enough'
You keep wishing 'if only.... you could change your life, your family, your skills, your circumstances....'
You may have fallen for Lies of Resistance.
Lies of Resistance book now
Whether it's to finally get your brushes out to paint
Or finally write that book
Or finally start that business
Or finally declare yourself a life coach
Or finally put yourself out there as a professional...instead of dabbling as an amateur hobbyist
Or change that career
You're not doing it.
Or you started but you got stuck.
Or you're almost there....but you can't quite finish
But also how you can MOVE FORWARD with that Big Dream, that creative project, that growth in your life you're longing for!