Posts tagged Creativity Catalyst
What if you could be consistently creative & confident in your art?


Finally be making the art, create with joy and ease & do it all with more confidence & consistency

A simple & FUN way to be creative everyday. Making the art you want to make. Being the Artist you want to be

Where your creativity is a space you look forward to WITH JOY - amongst the pressures of your life & work

Feel CONFIDENT with your creative practice, your creative style, your creative voice & let that boldness & healing ripple out to other areas of your life


A 30 day immersion into your creative flow.

Learn how to develop your own consistent creative practice.

You are creating & curating your life as a vessel to allow inspired ideas and art to flow.

To be creative daily. To be confident in your creative practice.

To know how to handle those moments you feel stuck with ideas or procrastination

Imagine if you could..

  • ALWAYS BE INSPIRED: where you see the abundance of joy, inspiration, motivation AND creativity you already have access to DAILY

  • CREATE ART DAILY: with simple & easy tasks you can do along with your busy life -- even when you're feeling 'stuck' in Resistance

  • KNOW HOW TO HANDLE YOUR CREATIVE BLOCKS LIKE AN ARTIST: with guided lessons & exercises that build a strong foundation for a consistent & joyful creative practice

  • USE YOUR CREATIVITY AS A SPIRITUAL PRACTICE: where your art feels like a loving connection & deeply nourishing for your soul

  • BE CONFIDENT AS AN ARTIST: knowing how to grow your creative muscles, nurture your creative practices & cultivate a strong flow of creativity in your life and work

Inside this course, I will teach you how you can...

  • COLLECT INSPIRATION to never run out of ideas. By connecting to your heart & new ways of seeing and being + how to nurture your creativity. So you can create daily.

  • EXPLORE YOUR BLOCKS & RESISTANCE to recognise the beliefs that get your stuck AND how to predictably get back into your creative flow

  • CONNECT TO YOURSELF & YOUR MUSE to build a strong & powerful relationship with your creativity. So you never doubt your connection

  • CULTIVATE YOUR IDEAS to make the art & take action. While dealing with all the resistance & sabotage from your inner critic. Shifting your fear & doubt to joy & confidence

  • EMBODY YOUR CREATIVE MUSE: to find, develop & evolve your creative voice. So you know how to use your creativity for more meaningful purpose

I put my 15+ years of experience as a professional designer & working Artist, running a creative business with a thriving art practice -- while juggling little kids at home -- into this easy-to-follow, fun & wholistic immersion so you can connect with your creativity in ALL areas of your life.

With MORE confidence & joy


No more taking it for granted

No more wasted time wishing & feeling crazy for wanting this

No more waiting for 'someday' that never comes No more trying to will yourself to do it & end up disappointed

No more half finished work.

No more being stuck for ideas

No more trying to do it alone, only to get stuck in the same place… feeling more & more convinced that you’ve “lost” your creativity…

Inside CREATIVITY CATALYST, you'll your way to be creative every day -- without the fear of failure or perfection pressure.

You get to embrace your identity as a creative Muse & Artist.

Everyday Courage & Solving the right problem

EVERYDAY COURAGE & SOLVING THE RIGHT PROBLEM — for more creativity & confidence in your art

When we have a LACK of SELF-trust — we put all our power AND TRUST into other people and “experts” and “surely they know better and can tell me what to do”

This is Resistance’s way to hide the truth from you.

Pretending that the problem is your “plan” when actually, the REAL problem to solve is:

How do I get out of my own way to DO, BE & BELIEVE in myself enough to make what I desire happen?

How do I take back the power I gave away? (To those “experts”)

How do I trust myself more?

How can I take small “everyday” courageous steps to build that self-trust?

(vs a big courageous step that feels like burning down of bridges and requires facing BIG & overwhelming fears.)

The goal of “everyday courage” is small easier ways to push our comfort zones a little.

To stretch it a little and face our fears in small doses

AND to show ourselves that we survived that, so we can trust ourselves to try again next time.

Some ways to do that?

+ Ask the hard question (what is the true fear beneath the need for perfection?) & journal those answers. Keep digging through the feels.

This helps you to remove the veils of lies & discover the truth.

Which is how you stretch your comfort zone beyond the fears.

+ Ask that person you admire a question (specific and simple please!) to connect AND also tell them how much their work has transformed you

Give the love you hope to receive AND this helps you bridge the gap that fear likes to build between you and “those other people who are better”

(I love to chat with my Muses in my DMs!)

+ Sign up for that course or workshop AND decide to treat it as a joyful experiment. Where the win is already DONE because you signed up.

Regardless of what happens & what you make. It makes creativity and choosing your art a pleasurable experience in your body

(hint: Join the CREATIVITY CATALYST VIP List! This is the course to help you solve the right problems in your creative practice)

+ Delete, unfollow, mute that person you feel you SHOULD follow because they “know better” but actually makes you feel like a constant failure

You get to choose what you feed your mind. Choose the things that empowers and elevates you.

+ Take the day off from the guilt, the shoulds, the “I really wish...” and just enjoy the space & silence & the noticing of small pleasures.

It makes space for inspiration

+ Do something just for the joy of it despite the “inconvenience” or “impracticality” or “frivolous”

Joy is foundational to making art

+ Sit in the tension of discomfort, the awkward and the emotional — write that email, make that call, stand firm in your “no thanks”

or whatever it is you’ve been avoiding because you didn’t want to disappoint someone (or your perfectionist self)

What does this bring up for you?

What would an “everyday courageous” action look like for you?

For me, this process is part of my spiritual & creative practice.

My paintings require a little bit of a stretch to push myself to the next level.

To embrace the mess.

To face my inner critic.

To navigate the frustration of being both Artist and SAHM and not having a studio space to create

But whether I’m making art or doing the mama life thing — I get to choose to cultivate those courage AND creativity muscles.

It’s how I stay connected to my inner Muse

I want to share small ways you can do the same inside CREATIVITY CATALYST.

It’s a Trojan horse of small simple prompts (like journalling or quick art making!)…

but it’s actually a powerful mindset + lifestyle + personal growth transformation if you allow yourself to immerse into this process.

The exercises stack on each other in building strong foundational pillars for your creativity.

CLICK HERE to get more information on CREATIVITY CATALYST

Dear Muse... I know how tired you're feeling

DEAR MUSE, I know how tired you’re feeling

With the world as it is right now, with all the uncertainty & all the changes

I know the exhaustion of grieving what you had while adjusting to the new normal

Whether that’s life in lockdown or life with a newborn.

Life is full of intense stress and chaos.

That’s the job of life!

I also know that your creativity feels like a delusional rainbow that doesn’t ever quite solidifies. Like trying to grasp the wind.

You’re probably using it to handle all the changes and solving all the problems that life has thrown your way

What if what you’re putting off for when “things settle down” is actually THE thing to help you FEEL settled.

To feel like you’re doing something lovely not just what you have to to survive another day

To feel like you can face whatever new chaos comes your way with more confidence (maybe even with more patience!)

To feel like you have something JUST FOR YOU beyond motherhood, job, family life or whatever new drama is coming next.

Let’s use your creativity to find that flow. In art AND life

Let’s use your creativity to practice patience in the face of new experiences

Let’s use your creativity to expand your comfort zone and cultivate more confidence in your intuition & inner voice

Let’s use your creativity to practice embracing imperfection & take the next steps forward towards your goals despite your fears.

That’s what my creativity allows me to do

To practice being my better self

To find my inner Muse & step into self-leadership

To expand my comfort zone & do more than my inner critic believes I can

To see things in a new way & feel more confident in my capacity to weave both my art AND my motherhood

I share the pillars of the creative process that I have as the foundations of my creativity inside CREATIVITY CATALYST

There are daily prompts to help you find that connection to your creative Muse

There are exercises that stack on each other to build your confidence with your creativity & find consistency with inspiration.

AND then giving you the tools to MAKE THE ART from that inspiration

It is easy, self-paced AND a live intense immersion to help you change the way you look at yourself as a creative.

Join the waitlist to access bonuses & special offers. Download the Intention Setting worksheet to get started.

Even if you don’t join us inside, I want you to do the worksheet to activate your inner Muse and spark some encouragement in your creativity.